In my defense, I have an ocular migraine, its 3:20 am and I have a huge Dosage Calculations test in the morning (5 hours). If you are familiar with my relationship with math, then you get the picture: a king-sized bed in your first apartment. No room for the treadmill. So I have to relieve some intracranial pressure and dump.
Maybe I'm awake because I feel like I'm waking up. You know that feeling when you read a scripture for the first time with your heart instead of your ears? You say, "Geez, why didn't you just say so?" I can almost see God biting his lip from saying, "I've been in syndication for well over 2000 years. Check your local listings."
So my new kick is the health of our food. I saw that documentary, "Food, Inc." and its got me up nights (ba dump bump). I feel overwhelmed about where to start. At the same time, I am back to tracking my calories, only this time the program I am using also tracks my sugar, cholesterol, protein, etc. I am staying in bounds in terms of calories but its unbelievable how out of whack my diet is. Sometimes I get over 200% of the sugar or protein I need in a day. Hmmm....
He did create plants on the third day and animals on the sixth.... no wait, that's not going to work, sugar cane is a plant.
Anyway, the idea is balance. What if I didn't try to see so far down the road? Eat a few more plants, a few less animals. Maybe the parts do make up the whole. Geez, this math thing might catch on. I think I might try this. I will let you know. Speaking of balance, I think there's enough room for me to climb back into my king-size bed now. Good morning.