Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Year of the Snake

We ordered takeout Chinese a couple of weeks ago when Paul was out of town and I was down with a migraine.  Sean answered the door, completed the transaction and the next thing I knew, he had flung my door open and flipped on the light.  "Mom, look what they gave us!"  He dropped the scrolled calendar before my face.  "2013 is the Year of the Snake."

Fabulous.  My deepest, darkest fear gets its own entire year.  According to Ancient Chinese wisdom, a snake in the house is a good omen.  It means the family will not starve.  Of course they won't, they've already died of snakebites.  The value of the year of the snake is material wealth.  As I write this, my mother is in my small apartment kitchen parboiling cabbage, as is the custom on New Year's Day to ensure such fortune.

Well when in Rome ... if this is the year to get what I want then I will outline my 2013 wish list here.  Let's not beat around the bush.
  1. My Irish will shock everyone (myself included) and roll the tide back to Tuscaloosa.  I realize the odds are not in our favor, but it IS the year of the snake and all.
  2. No need to waste your time entering.  I'm winning the HGTV Dream Home this year.  Of course I have no idea what I'll do with it once I win since I have no desire to live in South Carolina.
  3. Should by some strange twist of fate, this not occur, I hope to move into a modest house with a fenced yard by May so this mangy mutt can roam in his natural habitat.
  4. I want my bathtub back.  Yes, I have a tub but its not mine.  The oasis where my calgon moments occur.  It's what I miss the most about home ownership.

I really can't think of much else I want.  Oh sure I have the occasional aches and pains that everyone else does but I am healthy by the world's standard.  I have an amazing husband who adores me for some strange reason.  I am the mother of three boys who are going to change the world for the better.  I live near the ocean.  My parents are visiting me for three whole months.  I am part of a terrific church, live in an adorable town and have the best friends anyone could ask for.

So let's make a deal - if I surrender the bathtub and the fenced yard, can January 7th be my day?  Let's go IRISH!!!

1 comment:

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